Friday, February 15, 2008

Atheism needs Evolution

"Polls have shown that about 40% of scientists acknowledge a supernatural power. But the majority of the scientific community, especially evolutionary leaders today, hold an atheistic worldview. As support for their anti-supernatural worldviews, these scientists need mechanisms for the origin of life, especially humans.
Atheism needs evolution to escape from any implications regarding a creator. If one starts with Darwinism, certainly it is easy to escape from any obligation to God. Those opposed to their reasoning are branded as obscurantists who are trying to intrude religion into science."

(Wayne Friar, Ph.D., AIA's Resource Associate for Science and Origins)


Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Atheism needs evolution to escape from any implications regarding a creator. If one starts with Darwinism, certainly it is easy to escape from any obligation to God. Those opposed to their reasoning are branded as obscurantists who are trying to intrude religion into science."

Another excellent quote, Jeff...the quote King. I never want to judge motives of atheists, but Friar makes a solid intellectual point and atheism and naturalism work well together.

Jeff said...


Thank you for your comments. I appreciate them. "The Quote King"...LOL!